Out of love for God and people, Maranatha Bible Church obeys the Great Commission by making disciples and planting churches, teaching, and serving others for the glory of Jesus Christ.

You can be a part of global disciple-making and church planting as you:
Use our MBC Prayer Guide to regularly bring our missions partners before the Lord (Eph. 6:18).
Give regularly to MBC, special projects, and our worldwide impact for the Gospel (2 Cor. 9:7; Matt. 6:21).
Join and lead a discipleship group, volunteer with our local partners, and use your spiritual gift to build up the church! (Eph. 4:12)
Through our partnership with the International Welcome Center (theiwc.org), serve internationals moving into our area, meeting needs with the love of Christ (Gal. 6:10; Heb. 13:2).
Build a meaningful relationship with our missions partners through your ABF or Connect Group and provide prayer and encouragement (Phil. 1:3-5).
Be a part of a short-term missions trip (Go Team) to experience the mission field and assist our partners (Phil. 2:25, 29-30).
Challenge those around you to engage in missions as you have, encouraging them to progress through this pathway (1 Thess. 5:11).
Pray about the possibility of God using you on the mission field long-term. Scroll down to see next steps and discuss these steps with the church leadership (Acts 13:2).

Missions Next Steps
We invite you to consider going beyond a short-term mission trip into a mid-term trip (1-6 months) or even long-term service on the mission field!
Many of our partners have asked for your help. They could use English speakers, medical professionals, teachers, and anyone who loves sharing their faith in Jesus Christ.
Perhaps you have a burden for unreached people and would desire to be part of a team that would go and share the Gospel with those who have never heard - please reach out to us! Fill out the form below, and we’d love to connect!
Nathan K., Missions Pastor
Nathan is thankful to serve as the Pastor of Missions to help Maranatha obey the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. He strives to create a culture of missions at the church where members understand the part they play in showing the love of Christ, sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and planting churches. He is happily married to Erica, and they have four children: Arabelle, Eliza, Samuel, and Annelise.