Adult Bible Fellowships

At Maranatha Bible Church, Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are groups of adults who gather on Sunday mornings for Bible study, relationship building, and fellowship. Similar to traditional Sunday school classes but tailored for adults, ABFs are often organized around life stages, allowing people to connect with others who may share similar experiences. These fellowships provide a space to dive deeper into God’s Word, engage in meaningful discussions, and form lasting relationships within the church community. Whether you are newly married, parenting, or enjoying an empty nest, there is an ABF for you to grow in your faith and connect with others.

Available ABFs

  • Led By & Location:

    Short (ages 36+) - Room 506

    Bates (ages 50+) - Room 504

    Trout (ages 50+) - Room 400

    Wise (ages 36+) - Room 402

    Bates/Duma (ages 36+) - Room 503

    McCartney (ages 36+) - Room 505/507

    Gil (ages 18-35) - Room 509

  • Led By & Location:

    Hochstetler (ages 60+) - Room 502

    Stopp (ages 36+) - Room 503

    Hogan (Ladies Only Study) - Room 504

    Rohrbacher (ages 60+) - Room 505/507

    Veppert (ages 36+) - Room 506

Steve Bogran, Discipleship Pastor

Steve’s passion is to see lives changed by the gospel and to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus. He’s excited to serve as the Discipleship Pastor to help create a culture in Maranatha that equips disciples to make disciples for the glory of God.

Steve is married to his beautiful wife Jess, and they have three children: Levi, Avery, Isaiah. He loves to watch movies, play sports (especially soccer), talk/read about history, and eat great food!