The goal of Maranatha Kids is to introduce children to Jesus Christ and for them to walk with Him. We accomplish this through teaching God’s word, involving the children in fun and interactive activities, and showing unconditional love to every child. Kids start on their journey to Jesus when they trust Him as their Savior, and continue their journey as they follow Him throughout their lives.

Kids Classes
Every Sunday, 9:15 & 10:45 AM
Ages 2 and under
Little Ones Landing is a happy place where little ones can rest or play, where they experience the love of Jesus. Playpens, swings, toys, gliding rockers, and comfy cribs will help your child feel at home. Our heated, carpeted floors are great for crawlers! Our Children’s Ministry servants provide security and safety for babies and toddlers. We do everything possible to ensure each little one is safe and lovingly cared for. Our state of the art check-in system affords parents the peace of mind to participate in a worship service or ABF. To help ensure that each child receives the best possible care, we try to maintain a child-to-servant ratio of two to one.
Ages 2 - 5
Preschoolers are usually thought of as energetic, curious, and even messy - we think of them as impressionable! We are dedicated to partnering with parents to plant eternal seeds of Jesus’ love in their child’s heart during these formative years. Preschool Park is open at all regular services involving Bible stories and a question and answer time for application. Children will experience worship, activity, and age-appropriate Bible lessons. We make an effort to keep a child-to-servant ratio of five-to-one.
Grades K - 5
We are preparing young hearts and minds on their journey to Jesus. As part of a biblical community, children engage in worship, experience prayer, and learn to show Christ’s love to others.
During the 9:15 service, Kindergarten meets in room 300, 1st and 2nd grade meet in room 305, 3rd and 4th grade meet in room 303, and 5th grade meets in room 301.
During the 10:45 service, Kindergarten meets in room 300, 1st grade meets in room 305, 2nd grade meets in room 303, 3rd grade meets in room 400, 4th grade meets in room 402, and 5th grade meets in room 301.

Shoshanna Rosa, Director of Kids Ministry
Shoshanna is passionate about impacting kids with the gospel and shepherding their young hearts to further their relationship with Christ. She has experience teaching in both public and private schools and serving, leading, and teaching in various children’s ministry roles.
If you have questions about Maranatha Kids or would like to get involved in serving please reach out!