Our Next Baptism Sunday:

Baptism at Maranatha Bible Church
At Maranatha Bible Church, baptism is a beautiful and powerful symbol of faith in Jesus Christ. It’s an outward expression of an inward transformation, a public declaration that you have placed your trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
The Bible teaches us that baptism represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. When you’re immersed in water, it’s a symbol of dying to your old life of sin, and when you’re raised out of the water, it signifies being raised to new life in Christ.
As a church, we value baptism because it’s an act of obedience to Christ. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands us to ‘go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.’ Through baptism, we identify with Him and declare to the world that we belong to Jesus.
If you’re considering baptism, we want to walk with you through that decision. The process begins with a conversation—either with one of our pastors or leaders. We’ll talk about your personal story of faith and answer any questions you have. Baptism is for anyone who has placed their trust in Christ—whether you’re young or old, it’s never too late to take this important step.
On the day of your baptism, you’ll share a brief testimony of how Jesus has changed your life. After that, you’ll be baptized in water, surrounded by your church family, who will celebrate this step of faith with you. We do this because the Bible tells us to publicly profess your faith; but we also want to be there to encourage and champion all that God has done in your life.
If you’re ready to take that next step, we invite you to reach out to us. Baptism is a moment you’ll never forget, a bold proclamation that you belong to Jesus.

Steve Bogran, Discipleship Pastor
Steve’s passion is to see lives changed by the gospel and to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus. He’s excited to serve as the Discipleship Pastor to help create a culture in Maranatha that equips disciples to make disciples for the glory of God.
Steve is married to his beautiful wife Jess, and they have three children: Levi, Avery, Isaiah. He loves to watch movies, play sports (especially soccer), talk/read about history, and eat great food!