Women’s Ministry

Women’s Events

Mommy and Me is a new group at Maranatha designed to bring together mothers and their little ones in a warm and supportive environment. Mommy and Me is for Moms and children in preschool and younger. This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your child to connect with other moms and create lasting friendships, all while enjoying various engaging activities and discussions. We meet every Wednesday from 9:30 to 11 am in room 400 or Family Life Center.  We have open gym, playtime, and a time for moms to connect.  

We meet each Saturday at 9 am in the Family Life Center.  We will have a rotation of two different types of workout classes.  Drum Fitness is a fun workout for people at all different fitness levels.  You will need a large or x-large fitness ball and a water bottle. AMPD Resistance combines upbeat music with simple resistance band movements to create a fun and effective total body workout that is safe for all fitness levels.  We will have bands available for purchase, or you can order from Amazon.  

Grace+Beauty is for any woman walking through infertility, a miscarriage, a stillbirth, or a loss of a child from birth to an adult.  They meet the first Saturday of every month from 9 am to 11 am in room 510. 


Contact Krista Kurcsak, Women’s Ministry Director