Canton, OH
Refuge of Hope is an inner-city, faith-based, non-denominational Christian mission that serves as a men’s homeless shelter offering overnight housing, hot meals, showers, spiritual guidance, and accountability.
Akron, OH
The purpose of Haven of Rest is to serve and glorify God through Christ-centered, life-changing programs of love and compassion that respond to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of men, women, and children.
Dennis and Tamela Shawhan
Akron, OH
Broken Chains Ministry
Broken Chains serves inmates in the Summit County jail by providing mentoring, advocacy, faith-based services, identity restoration, and workforce development (through the Urbean Café) for former offenders. Lydia’s Home is a residential, faith-centered recovery program for women.
ICU Mobile seeks to GO to serve women, save lives, and share Christ through providing free, convenient, comfortable, and non-judgmental ultrasound services to pregnant women who may be experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and may be considering an abortion.
Akron, OH
Pregnancy Solutions offers a wide range of free services to help women make an informed decision.
Pregnancy solution’s staff is available to help pregnant women get answers & find hope.
Eastern Europe
Summit Missions International’s purpose is to mobilize the church and community to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of people in Eastern Europe through relief products and service projects as a visible model of God’s love.
The International Welcome Center exists to empower the foreign-born in the greater Akron area in their pursuit of happiness. As representatives of Christ, The International Welcome Center empowers them to legally navigate the immigration system and integrate into the community through the power of love, service, and friendship.
Steve and Sue Oswald
Word of Life
Steve and Sue are equipping local churches to reach today's youth through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training.
Roger and Kathy Scarbro
American Indian Missions Inc.
Roger and Kathy currently serve with American Indian Missions Inc. to reach and teach American Indian tribes in the southwestern U.S. for Christ.
Cuba and India
World Help helps plant churches throughout supporting national pastors in Cuba and India.
John & Rachel Reaser
Shoulder to Shoulder
Mazatlan, Mexico
John and Rachel serve to resource pastors and churches in the Mazatlán area, equipping them to be “lighthouse” churches in their communities.
Craig Peters
Equip Ministries seeks to train overseas pastors and leaders, empower the church and reach the unreached around the world.
R. & K.
R. serves as the lead pastor of a church in Turkey that is committed to church planting and evangelism.
Daniel & Myriam Liberek
United World Mission
Daniel & Myriam serve with Global Evangelists Forum, mobilizing and equipping evangelists in French-speaking countries. Daniel also serves as the European Director of United World Missions.
Steve & Wilma Bailey
Encompass World Mission
After many years as a church planter in Argentina, Steve and Wilma serve in Member Care for Encompass, counseling and encouraging partners around the world.
Kevin & Allyson Martin
World Team
Papua Indonesia
Kevin and Allyson are working alongside local pastors in The Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI) to give counsel & support to its church leaders. In addition, Allyson takes on various administrative roles for World Team Papua.
Josh & Sara Whitman
Italian Ministries USA
Josh pastors “The Rock” church and he and Sara invest heavily in their community to spread the good news of salvation through Christ.
Brother Bennie
Alpha Ministries
Bennie serves as the executive director of Alpha Ministries, seeking to reach the unreached and plant churches where none exist by working with native church planters in India and beyond.
M & B
M & B help to encourage, resource, and support pastors and church planters in China. They facilitate theological and topical training seminars.
Stefen & Keren Silver
Kerem-El Congregation
Stefan shepherds and disciples as a pastor, and Keren ministers through music and counseling in their community-minded church in Haifa, Israel.
D. & S.
Ethnos 360
Central Asia
D. & S. work with the national church in Central Asia to disciple and mature the church with the goal of reaching the unreached in the Himalayan mountains.
Tim & Kathy Heijermans
Biblical Ministries Worldwide
Tim and Kathy have a heart for evangelism, discipleship, leadership training, and Bible translation.
Scott and Lisa Carter
Scott works to identify, resource, and connect future church planters and missionaries in Ukraine and Eurasia.
One For Israel
One For Israel is an online evangelistic ministry that also equips Israeli believers through training at their Bible college and discipleship programs.
B. & L.
In order to show the love of Christ, B. serves as a surgeon at Kapsowar Hospital and L. raises funds to help improve the education of orphans in their area.
Steve & Shelly Larson
Missio Kaleo
Steve & Shelly serve in equipping the churches in the Myanmar region through training and supporting pastors.
House of Hope
Ghana, Africa
The House of Hope in Ghana, Africa exists to fulfill the call of Christ in caring for orphans who are spiritually, physically, and economically poor, by helping them become responsible Christian adults for the purpose of impacting their world.
G. & K.
Business as Mission
G. & K. partner with local church planters to provide training and sustainable income through small businesses to enable them to do the work of the ministry.
Jen S.
East Asia
Jen is building relationships through writing, teaching, and consulting in order to advance the Kingdom.
Setan Lee
Setan works through TransformAsia so Cambodia’s children can gain hope, dignity, and a vision for the future through the love of Christ.
Carl & Laura Ralston
Remember Nhu
Carl and Laurie work through Remember Nhu rescuing children from the sex trade industry throughout the world and meeting their physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs.
Justin & Lindsay Mitchell
World Venture
Making disciples, and planting churches in the Kawasaki/Yokohama region of Japan. They are passionate about engaging the community they live in as a means of making disciples and organizing indigenous churches for His glory.
Jared & Leah Haynes
Ethnos 360
Jared and Leah Haynes serve in Canada, training, and discipling future missionaries to go to unreached people groups to evangelize and plant churches.
Vincente & Anna Ruiz
Path of Salvation Church
Vicente pastors Path of Salvation Church and works together with Anna in the surrounding areas to grow the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Igor and Kristina Velicanenco
Igor and Kristina are reaching young people through Bible studies, outreach events, and relationship-building, inviting them to the “Church Without Walls”.
Javier & Jeannette Leyva
Shoulder to Shoulder
Mazatlan, Mexico
Javier and Jeannette work with the Reasers to serve to resource pastors and churches in the Mazatlán area, equipping them to be “lighthouse” churches in their communities.
J. & B.
North Africa
J.&B.’s vision is to see God glorified in North Africa by pursuing widespread gospel proclamation and a growing faithful fellowship. Their aim is to achieve this through strategic local partnerships focused on abundant prayer, gospel proclamation, and discipleship leading to healthy, reproducing fellowships.
Daniel and Karrie Bethel
Daniel serves as the Director of Church Planting and facilitates healthy church-planting teams among least-reached areas worldwide. Karrie serves as the Women’s Ministry Director. They carry out this task by leading 12 Affinity Group leaders who oversee the fieldwork globally.
Stephen & Veronica Poindexter
IBM Global
Stephen serves as the Director of Member Care at IBM Global and strives to cultivate sustainable fruitful vitality in the life of each cross-cultural worker and their sending churches in order to be obedient to the Great Commandment and effective in the Great Commission.
Edgar & Carmen Meraz
Shoulder to Shoulder
Mazatlan, Mexico
Edgar and Carmen Meraz serve in pastoral care, counseling, and training classes. Edgar helps to onboard new churches. Carmen provides medical care for the pastors and their families and serves in women’s ministry.