Maranatha Women is hosting an all-day conference on March 11th

Hard is not the same thing as Bad.

In a world that views hardship as something we should avoid at all costs, the Bible calls us to be radically "strong and courageous" in the face of the trials and tribulations that Jesus promises us we will face in this life. Only it's not our strength but His that will carry us through. Together, we'll be encouraged by what Scripture says about standing strong for Truth, leaning into the hard (because there's so much good to be found in it), and increasing in boldness and love for God's Word and his Gospel. 

with Abbie Halberstadt

Abbie Halberstadt, author of M is for Mama, is a happy wife and mama of ten children, including two sets of identical twins. She’s also a homeschool educator, fitness instructor, business owner, speaker, writer, and reigning family Nertz champion. Abbie lives by the motto “hard is not the same as bad” and encourages women to dig deep to meet the challenges of everyday life through her blog and social media posts. She, her husband, Shaun, and their children live in the Piney Woods of East Texas.