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Hey Maranatha! We’ve got some amazing events and updates to share with you this week, so let’s jump right in!

Feeling a little stir-crazy this winter? We’ve got just the thing! Our Cabin Fever Festival is happening on February 22nd, and it’s going to be an unforgettable day for the whole family. If you know a family that could use a break from staying in the house, invite them out! This is also a fantastic opportunity to serve the community by volunteering at the event. Don’t wait—learn more and register now at mbc95.org/cabinfever. We can’t wait to see you there!

Are you ready to grow deeper in your faith this season? Our Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies are starting the first week of March—on March 4th and 6th. Ladies, you can sign up for your studies at mbc95.org/women, and men, head to mbc95.org/men for all the details. Let’s grow in the Word together this season!

And finally, we’re thrilled to announce that Beyond the Pew, the official podcast of Maranatha Bible Church, is returning for Season 6! Starting March 7th, new episodes will release every Friday. You can tune in on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or our church YouTube channel. Do you have a topic you’d love for us to cover? Submit your suggestions at mbc95.org/podcast, and let’s explore meaningful conversations together.

That’s it for this week’s announcements! For more information on these and other events, visit our website or stop by the welcome center desk after the service. Have a blessed week, Maranatha family, and we’ll see you soon!


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