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Hi, Maranatha family! We hope that you are doing well this week, because we’ve got lots that you can be involved in at the church. Let’s dive in!

First up, are you new to Maranatha and wondering how to become a part of our church family? Join us for our New Member Orientation! Happening January 12th through January 19th, this is the perfect opportunity to learn more about who we are, what we believe, and how you can get involved. We’d love to officially welcome you as a member of our growing family!

Do you feel called to make an impact beyond our local community? Our Go Teams are short-term mission opportunities coming in 2025! Whether you’ve always dreamed of serving abroad or are curious about the experience, visit mbc95.org/missions to find more information and fill out the interest form. Let’s make a difference together!

Middle school students, this one’s for you! Don’t miss Elevate Connect Groups! Starting January 14th at 7 PM, these weekly gatherings are the perfect way to meet friends, have fun, and grow in your faith. So grab your Bible, invite your friends, and come be a part of this amazing community every Tuesday!

That’s it for this week’s announcements! For more details on these and other events, visit us online at mbc95.org/events. Have a blessed week, and we’ll see you soon!


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